Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Avatar Choice

Choosing my name was probably one of the harder parts, despite the lack of availability for many of the last names. This part confused me, how is it that a company can create a world in which thousands of people can interact across continents and test out business models but can't keep an up to date listing of names?

For my first name I choose Thumper because that was one of my nicknames as a kid. Always making a scene and now I try and make those scenes to point out things that I believe need a second look.

My last name was less complicated, Starsider was one of the many last names I tried and it was simply the first to go through as acceptable to the server. Here again the designers could have done a better job. Instead of simply making you choose another last name, much of the form data was lost every time a name was rejected. This added to the time, making you retype your email address and password and a few other parts of the application.

I expect to enjoy second life but I have yet to get back online after my first setup. The program seems to me too large for wireless. I must go out and buy the cable to connect to a wired network before any more work can be done on my avatar.

Thank you again for reading


1 comment:

  1. "how is it that a company can create a world in which thousands of people can interact across continents and test out business models but can't keep an up to date listing of names?"

    Welcome to the problematic world of Linden Lab. The best explanation I had, and did not take time to research, is that chosen last names helps them to organize their database.

    I suspect that, instead, they want to avoid obscene last names. That could be a fossil from the old days of SL, because I understand (and have not verified) that obscene first names get blocked on the attempt to register the avatar.

    Now that said, the Open Life virtual world (very similar to SL and derived from it) allows the creation of full names. I'm Mojobox Kane and Tao Jones over there, by the way. But it's buggy and definitely in "Beta" still.

    As for SL and your laptop: I'm disappointed in Linden Lab once again. They don't seem to like laptops, since their system requirements are steep and get steeper. Yet that is the computer of choice for students. Get an Ethernet cord and soldier on, or move up the TLC and use any good PC or Mac there.
